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Purpose:3 Flow Injection Analysis System, 300 lbsà3 big white boxes/pallets of lab gear - Chavez. ~600 lbs totalà3 white collapsible pallet boxes and misc. gear - Robison ~600 lbs totalàThe submarine east rift zone of Kilauea has been extensively studied during the last ten years because it provides an opportunity to study the submarine portion of a well-studied subaerial volcanic system. The morphology of the ridge has been defined from SeaBeam mapping of the entire ridge (Clague et al., 1993), Simrad mapping as deep as 3500 m (done by MBARI in 1998), and AMS-120 mapping of the ridge axis (done by WHOI with MBARI postdoc Jennifer Reynolds as a participant. Samples have been collected from along the ridge by dredging starting in 1964 and by rock corer (MBARIÒs rock crusher) in 1998. A few submersible dives, using the Seacliff, were done in the 1980s and in 1991. Most of the lavas recovered are differentiated basalts with eruption temperatures between about 1120 and 1140-C-slightly lower than most historical subaerial eruptions. However, I discovered some unusual glass grains in a boxcore adjacent to Kilauea Volcano in 1988. These glasses contain up to 15% MgO and had eruption temperatures in excess of 1320-C-making them the most magnesian glasses with the highest eruption temperatures of any on Earth (Clague et al., 1991, 1995; Wagner et al., 1998). The eruption and flow characteristics of such hot, fluid lavas are essentially unknown, but may provide an analogy to understand emplacement of Archaen komatiite flows. The chemistry of the glasses shows that they erupted from Kilauea Volcano. a href=www.squidoo.com/lesteeYoung Gay Teenagers Having Sex/a Rock drawerà2 steel tow fish + block + pump, 350lbsgravity corer and rock crusher for night operationsà 2 steel tow fish (1 as back up) + pump+block - Johnson. ~350 lbsàPurpose:This proposal requests 28 Tiburon dive days, admittedly a large number of dive days. Most of these dives will include benthic biology observations and some biological sampling with Jim Barry and George Matsumoto as successfully done on Pioneer, Guide, Gumdrop, Taney, and Davidson Seamounts in 2000. Hawaii is the primary study area for Clague, as it has been for nearly 30 years. The Western Flyer will return to Hawaii no sooner than 2004, so this expedition will provide the data for several years of lab analysis and writing. All but two of the dives proposed are within areas surveyed with the Simrad EM300 system in 1998, so excellent basemaps are in hand.Leg 2: Karst and Volcanos (April 1-16)67-80 35.7860 124.1950 2 CTD, nets a href=www.squidoo.com/apopolkadsBeginners Anal Sex Toys/a 5. Submarine Flows and Cones between Oahu and Kauai and around NiihauFrench-fry basket scoopdrawer with partitionsà CTD and Rosette w/H2O sample bottles - ChavezàROV CTD w/O2 and transmissometer Ö RobisonàD9 21.4900 158.4100 7 DIVE - no net, CTDThe following sections outline specific targets for dives with Tiburon in Hawaii, all tied to the large themes outlined in the general project proposal. Manned submersibles have done considerable work around Hawaii, most notably the Hawaii Underseas Research LaboratorieÒs (HURL) Pisces V submersible and the programs run by JAMSTEC using the R/V Karei and ROV Kaiko in 1998 and the R/V Yokosuka and 6500-m submersible Shinkai in 1999. The Kaiko and Shinkai programs focussed largely on deep targets related to giant landslides (Nuuanu and Hilina slides on Oahu and Kilauea, respectively) and on deep (4 km depth) hydrothermal discharge from Loihi. The Pisces V is limited to operations in 2000 m and has focused its operations for much of the past 14 years on Loihi Seamount. Recent changes in the scientific objectives of the NOAA- NURP programs have shifted HURLÒs program almost entirely into fisheries-related work and bioproducts research (bacteria studies on Loihi)-geologic studies like those proposed here are no longer within the scope of HURL and therefore the Pisces V submersible is no longer a viable option for future work in Hawaii.heat-flow probeà a href=www.squidoo.com/vnveemosmdHaving Lesbian Sex Teen/a Hilo Ridge was long thought to be the submarine rift zone of Mauna Kea Volcano (e.g., Yang et al., 1994, 1998), but is now proposed to be the submarine southeast rift zone of Kohala Volcano (Holcomb et al., 2000). Samples collected from the rift zone have variable chemisty-some of the dredged samples are geochemically similar to lavas from Kohala, Mauna Kea, and even Kilauea, but none are geochemically similar to the Mauna Kea lavas from near the bottom of the 1.1-km Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project pilot hole drilled near Hilo (Stolper et al., 1996).Younger flank eruptions from Mauna Kea Volcano almost certainly occur in the area, as vents from Mauna Kea are scattered over a large region on land. However, the rift zone is characterized by numerous flat-topped low-aspect ratio cones (Clague et al., 2000) and two submarine (lacking summit craters) steep-sided cones that are probably constructed of alkalic basalt after the tholeiitic shield volcano had been constructed. We want to sample and date (using Ar-Ar techniques) several of the flat-topped cones along the rift to determine if they are similar in age and chemically similar to shield lavas from Kohala or Mauna Kea volcanoes. In addition, we want to confirm that the steep cones are composed of alkalic basalts, determine their eruptive style and depth, and determine when they erupted, providing a maximum age for the end of shield building. These parameters are important in defining the history of the island of Hawaii, the likely character of lava (Mauna Kea or Kohala) to be encountered in the NSF-funded continuation of the already 3-km-deep Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project main hole, and in interpreting the origin of submarine volcanic landforms. These dives form a continuation of a study begun in fall 1998 when Clague used three MBARI-supported Pisces V dives to map 4 flat-topped cones on the flank of Kohala Volcano and determine their compositions. Analyses of these samples establish the compositions of Kohala shield lavas (those exposed on land are too altered) and form the basis for this comparative study. These dives also build on the MBARI Simrad mapping of Hilo Ridge and Kohala Volcanoes done in 1998.top of pageGLORIA mapping around the Hawaiian Islands identified numerous cones and high-backscatter lava flows on the seafloor in four areas: 1) north of Oahu (the North Arch lavas described by Clague et al., 1990; Dixon et al., 1997; and Frey et al., 2000 and mapped by GLORIA and SeaBeam 2100 collected by Clague on a JAMSTEC cruise in 1999), 2) west of Oahu (mapped by GLORIA imagery and transit SeaBeam lines), 3) on the southeast flank of Kauai (mapped by Simrad EM300 by U.S. Geological Survey), and particularly 4) west of Niihau Island (mapped by Simrad EM300 by MBARI). The Simrad mapping of the region northwest of Niihau in 1998 revealed that the cones are large flat-topped cones with steep sides (Clague et al., 2000) despite their inferred alkalic compositions which contrast with the tholeiitic basalt compositions of similar cones along the rift zones. These cones are scattered over the seafloor from about 1500 to 5000 m depth and provide an unparalleled opportunity to understand degassing of magmas erupted at different depths or confining pressures. These cones have been interpreted to belong to the rejuvenated stage of volcanism and to correlate with the Kiekie Volcanics on Niihau (Clague, unpub. data), the Koloa Volcanics on Kauai (Clague and Dalrymple, 1988), the Honolulu Volcanics on Oahu (Clague and Frey, 1982), and the Kalaupapa Basalt on Molokai (Clague et al., 1982). They should retain significant volatile components, particularly those erupted at the greatest depths. The combination of quenched, relatively-primitive glasses and fresh lava interiors makes such samples ideal to evaluate the spatial distribution of the different mantle source components that melt to produce Hawaiian magmas. In particular, these submarine lavas allow us to include volatile components in our analysis of plume components since the quenched glasses will retain much of their initial complement of water, carbon dioxide, sulfur and rare gases. We have arranged for state-of-the-art volatile analyses of these samples with collaborators Hanyu (rare-gases) and Dixon (water and carbon dioxide). We will determine the degassing history of these lavas as done for Kilauea and North Arch lavas (Dixon et al., 1991, 1997). The rejuvenated stage lavas from the North Arch and those from the main islands are derived mainly from a depleted lithospheric source, but one that has been modified by addition of a component from the Hawaiian plume (Frey et al., 2000; Dixon and Clague, 2000). We hope to define this component and its distribution in space and time. These cones and flows are fairly large and it is unlikely we will be able to sample more than 2 or 3 vents on a single dive, hence our request for so many dives for this important objective. 1 Air compressor - Johnson ~200 lbsWe request three dive days with two used to map and collect lava and hyaloclastite from as many of the shallow cones as possible and determining the style (pillows, hyaloclastite, blocky flows) of the erupted lava. These two days would each consist of several short dives in succession, an operational mode only MBARI can do. The ability to collect loose volcanic sand using the box corer or newly designed push cores may also be critical to sampling these cones, which apparently formed by explosive eruptions. The third dive day would examine the lava pond at 2400 m depth and the adjacent cones. This dive is too deep for Pisces V operations. The coral terraces, while scientifically exciting targets, will not be explored further until some new radiometric technique is developed that can date the recovered samples (no technique exists at present).Objective is to compare surface water iron and aluminum concentrations during a "dust" season to those of a "non-dust" season (the transit to Hawaii). Underway mapping of surface water Iron and Aluminum with tow-fish pneumatic pumping system. Rosette/CTD casts at 8 stations of approximately 2 hrs each to collect metal, nutrient and chlorophyll samples to augment surface mapping findings.Superposed on the sequence of reefs are a series of lava flows from several volcanoes, including a group of radial fissures (fissures not aligned along rift zones) that probably are part of Mauna Loa Volcano. At the western edge of the terrace, a submarine rift zone extends to the west. This rift zone is apparently part of a separate volcano named Mahukono Volcano (Clague and Moore, 1991)), not exposed above present sea level. Like other submarine rift zones, it is characterized by common flat-topped cones (Clague et al., 2000) and linear ramparts, but also by several complex, steep, smooth cones. This region is the key to understanding much of the history of Hawaii since the reefs provide timelines and the lava flows in the area come from Mahukona, Kohala, Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa, and Hualalai Volcanoes. Clague and Jim Moore did an entire HURL-funded program of Pisces V submersible dives in this region in 1988 and a modest dredging program the same year. However, the new MBARI Simrad bathymetric data highlight some key features that were unknown when the previous programs were completed. The models of reef formation suggest that details of the Pleistocene record of glacial-intergacial periods have been smoothed by time averaging. We hope to extract some of these details from the reef morphology and ages.heat-flow probeà a href=www.squidoo.com/apoldnmbAnal Sex Beads video/a Purpose:Participants:Leg 5: Iron mapping (May 22 - June 2) Equipment Description (include weight if available):2 FIA systems+ reagents - Johnson ~250 lbsàRock draweràExpedition Chief Scientist: Ken JohnsonRadium-sensor a href=www.squidoo.com/animeclipsTera Patrick Anal Sex/a BOG: Francisco Chavez, Tim Pennington, Paul Chua, and 1 un-identified female.Planned Track Description:Return transit from Hawaii to Moss Landing. We request 7 dive days (3 under this proposal and 4 under Paull "Continental margins fluids and gases" proposal). Three dive days will be spent doing observations and sample collection using the manipulator and locating the best sites for using the rockdrill. One dive will be located on the deepest (1325-m) terrace and upper part of the rift zone of Mahukona Volcano where a huge pillow ridge and several steep-sided cones occur. Another dive day will be used to collect lava on two 5.5-hr dives in succession from two radial fissures that cross the 1150-m terrace, the coral terrace itself, and samples from within karst "blue holes". The third day, exploring the 400-m reef, will consist of three 3.5-hr dives in succession to examine the karst topography, and collect volcanic and coral samples from the 400-m terrace and karst topography. If fluids are discovered flowing through the carbonates, water samples will be collected for analysis by Paull. The 4 Paull dive days would be spent using the MBARI rock drill to sample a sequence of corals from the reef face of the 400-m and 1150-m terraces to test the models for reef growth revealed by the REEFGROW computer program. Each dive day will probably consist of several dives in sequence as these dives should be of short duration. The drilling will be rapid because the materials are very soft but the conditions will be challenging since the reef face is a solid pavement with a 30- slope. Charlie Paull will be the MBARI lead scientist on 2 dive days and Clague will be for the 3 dive days doing observations and sample collection. Clague will also participate in the dives with Paull and assist with analysis of the samples recovered.D2, 67-75 35.9530 123.8420 9 DIVE, nets, CTD4 sets of scuba gear (including weights, no tanks) - Robison ~200 lbs total1. Loihi SeamountExpedition Chief Scientist: David Clague a href=www.squidoo.com/lesporGay Interracial Sex Stories/a The Hawaiian Islands are formed from an amazing range of lava compositions that have different gas contents, crystal contents, viscosities, eruption rates and volumes, and eruption depths-all in lavas less than a few million years old. The low sedimentation rates on the flanks of the islands and their young age makes the use of visual observations, such as those obtained with Tiburon, particularly valuable. The variety of lava chemistries erupted on the seafloor adjacent to the islands also provide a powerful method to examine the structure of the Hawaiian plume as each type of lava is generated from a mix of mantle source components that have been proposed to have a concentric spatial configuration. Alkalic lavas have proved to contain important information about magma genesis in Hawaii (Clague, 1987) and the structure of the Hawaiian plume. All of the sampled lavas from the deep flanks the islands have proven to be such alkalic lavas. The only way to test the petrologic models for plume geometry is by analyzing lavas from around the islands-those that erupted below sea level, commonly at great depths. In particular, submarine erupted lavas preserve enough of their original volatile contents (Clague and Dixon, 2000), and their pre-eruptive contents can be calculated from what remains, to evaluate the important role of volatiles (water, carbon dioxide, sulfur, and rare gases) in melting processes and in the different plume components.Detailed analysis of the volatile components trapped in these glass sand grains indicate that they erupted at depths of about 2000-2150 m, presumably along the axis of the Puna Ridge (Clague et al., 1995). These glasses are mixed with another type of unusual glass-one that is bubble-rich and slightly enriched in alkalis and depleted in silica (a transitional basalt) compared to most basalt from Kilauea (Clague et al., 1995). Several unusual steep-sided conical vents were mapped by the MBARI Simrad survey in 1998 at about the depth estimated for eruption of these two unusual compositions. These vents contrast with the more typical flat-topped low-aspect-ratio cones (Clague et al., 2000) and linear spatter ramparts seen along all the surveyed submarine rift zones in Hawaii. We suspect that the lavas with the unusual chemistries had either more voluminous and/or more explosive eruptions than the typical Kilauea basalt and therefore constructed these unusual cones. Another fluid lava flow, of alkalic basalt, was mapped in the Hawaiian Deep by the GLORIA surveys in the late 1980s and sampled by dredge in 1988 9Clague et al., in preparation) and again by the Shinkai 6500 submersible in 1999. However, the vents for this flow, which are located at about 3900 m on the south flank of the Puna Ridge based on their volatile contents, have not been found. Collection of near-vent lava is important to determine the volatile content of this flow and to determine the morphology of this high-volume, fluid flow and its vent.D2, 67-75 35.9530 123.8420 9 DIVE, nets, CTD The submarine east rift zone of Kilauea has been extensively studied during the last ten years because it provides an opportunity to study the submarine portion of a well-studied subaerial volcanic system. The morphology of the ridge has been defined from SeaBeam mapping of the entire ridge (Clague et al., 1993), Simrad mapping as deep as 3500 m (done by MBARI in 1998), and AMS-120 mapping of the ridge axis (done by WHOI with MBARI postdoc Jennifer Reynolds as a participant. Samples have been collected from along the ridge by dredging starting in 1964 and by rock corer (MBARIÒs rock crusher) in 1998. A few submersible dives, using the Seacliff, were done in the 1980s and in 1991. Most of the lavas recovered are differentiated basalts with eruption temperatures between about 1120 and 1140-C-slightly lower than most historical subaerial eruptions. However, I discovered some unusual glass grains in a boxcore adjacent to Kilauea Volcano in 1988. These glasses contain up to 15% MgO and had eruption temperatures in excess of 1320-C-making them the most magnesian glasses with the highest eruption temperatures of any on Earth (Clague et al., 1991, 1995; Wagner et al., 1998). The eruption and flow characteristics of such hot, fluid lavas are essentially unknown, but may provide an analogy to understand emplacement of Archaen komatiite flows. The chemistry of the glasses shows that they erupted from Kilauea Volcano.Chemicals, 40lbsàSCIENTISTS EQUIPMENT ÖKen Johnson (male), Ginger Elrod (female), Steve Fitzwater (male), Hans Jannasch (male, tentative) and Josh Plant (male, tentative)3 Flow Injection Analysis System, 300 lbsà a href=www.squidoo.com/bigtitsmovsXxx Anal Sex With Women/a We request three dive days with two used to map and collect lava and hyaloclastite from as many of the shallow cones as possible and determining the style (pillows, hyaloclastite, blocky flows) of the erupted lava. These two days would each consist of several short dives in succession, an operational mode only MBARI can do. The ability to collect loose volcanic sand using the box corer or newly designed push cores may also be critical to sampling these cones, which apparently formed by explosive eruptions. The third dive day would examine the lava pond at 2400 m depth and the adjacent cones. This dive is too deep for Pisces V operations. The coral terraces, while scientifically exciting targets, will not be explored further until some new radiometric technique is developed that can date the recovered samples (no technique exists at present).Chilled Seawater System and Cold Room Ö RobisonDetailed analysis of the volatile components trapped in these glass sand grains indicate that they erupted at depths of about 2000-2150 m, presumably along the axis of the Puna Ridge (Clague et al., 1995). These glasses are mixed with another type of unusual glass-one that is bubble-rich and slightly enriched in alkalis and depleted in silica (a transitional basalt) compared to most basalt from Kilauea (Clague et al., 1995). Several unusual steep-sided conical vents were mapped by the MBARI Simrad survey in 1998 at about the depth estimated for eruption of these two unusual compositions. These vents contrast with the more typical flat-topped low-aspect-ratio cones (Clague et al., 2000) and linear spatter ramparts seen along all the surveyed submarine rift zones in Hawaii. We suspect that the lavas with the unusual chemistries had either more voluminous and/or more explosive eruptions than the typical Kilauea basalt and therefore constructed these unusual cones. Another fluid lava flow, of alkalic basalt, was mapped in the Hawaiian Deep by the GLORIA surveys in the late 1980s and sampled by dredge in 1988 9Clague et al., in preparation) and again by the Shinkai 6500 submersible in 1999. However, the vents for this flow, which are located at about 3900 m on the south flank of the Puna Ridge based on their volatile contents, have not been found. Collection of near-vent lava is important to determine the volatile content of this flow and to determine the morphology of this high-volume, fluid flow and its vent. Scheduled Start Date: 2001-05-09 0800 Local Moss Landing timePush cores, 12-24 per diveàParticipants:Leg 4: Lava flows (May 9-18)Scheduled End Dateà: 2001-04-30 TBD Local Moss Landing time a href=www.squidoo.com/anlesbiGay Black Sex Videos/a H. Gary Greene (Chief Scientist), Charlie Paull (Co-Chief Scientist), Dave Claque (Expedition Coordinator), Dave Caress, Bill Ussler, Norm Maher, Billy Moore (U. South Carolina), Jim Moore (USGS), D.J. Osborn, Jenny Paduan, Judith ConnorM1 36.7550 122.0250 2 nets, CTDParticipants:

¨Ò¡¤Ø³ : Pseubasulsepe < tartacius123@gmail.com >
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¨Ò¡¤Ø³ : JulietOreira < joomla25@inmail24.com >
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